Seminar registration

You can book our online seminars here.

    Mit Absenden dieser Anmeldung akzeptierst du dieDatenschutzbestimmungen. Unsere AGB für Präsenzseminare erhältst du gemeinsam mit der Seminarbestätigung.

    Registration info

    On this page you can register for the THEKI attendance seminars (the registration for our online seminars can be found here.)

    After your registration you will receive a written booking confirmation via email within 1-3 business days with all relevant information about the procedure of your THEKI seminar (times, parking, catering, suggestions for accommodation, terms, and conditions, etc.).

    If you have any questions about the registration, just send us an email.

    You can find our seminar dates here.

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    Melde dich zum THEKI® Newsletter an und erhalte als Geschenk das PDF:

    Werkzeuge zur Schwingungserhöhung"



    Welcome to the THEKI Academy

    We look forward to hearing from you! The best thing to do is to send us an e-mail to Or contact us personally during our telephone hours.

    Telephone: +49 7773 4494124

    Here you can find our telephone hours:

    Monday to Friday 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
    Saturday Closed
    Sunday Closed